😎Use Cases

The ViewFi platform serves multiple solutions for meeting marketing and advertising objectives. These include:

Drive Sales (eCommerce)

Reward discount codes and coupons for users learning about your product. It is great to use in an email campaign to retarget users who have not checked out.

Brand Campaign Marketing

Top brands promoting their video content and offering money can't buy experiences. E.g. red carpet premier tickets.


Brands ask their user base to engage in their videos and complete tasks to win a competition (free products etc)

Sales Teams

Sales leaders offer targeted messages offering the audience a Starbucks coffee for watching their videos.

Conferences and Events

Promote what your company does at trade shows while capturing leads from within the player using QR codes at the booth, with signage.

Build Communities

Drive traffic to join your community on X, Discord, Telegram etc and promote your application or project.


Watch our video and we will donate to a charity on your behalf.

Crypto Project

Watch this video and complete tasks to earn an airdrop


Offer users the chance to win more value with whoever shares the videos the most. Using the unique referral process will give you the chance to scale.


Offer super power utility for NFT ownership. This acts as proof of learning which can be rewarded with future promises of benefits and utility.

Onboarding Users

Once your customer is signed up. Offer rewards for watching "how to" videos so they can become experts on your company and product. This can upsell and significantly reduce churn.

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