📰Publish Page

You are now ready to publish and review your ViewFi powered Video Campaign

You can now review, publish and share your campaign. Once you finish your campaign set up it will take you to this page. You can also access this on the Action tab by your campaign from the dashboard.


  1. You can preview your campaign from the embed or load a mobile and desktop preview.

  2. You can open the link in a new browser window, or copy the sharable link.

  3. You can check the email template which gets sent and make any edits.


  1. You can get embed code to embed on websites

  2. You can also generate iFrame formats

  3. You can make a QR code for your campaign

  4. Get overlay widget which launches the player from a text link or button

  5. You can connect your sub account. Also see here


  1. Share directly to your Facebook

  2. Share directly Twitter / X

View Data

  1. View Leads - takes you to the CRM to see who has claimed your campaign. See more here

  2. View Analytics - Takes you to the analytics page for your campaign. See more here

Last updated