Reward Link Campaign
Learn step by step how to set up your Reward Link campaign.
This campaign offers users a clickable link which is associated to a reward. This could be a lead magnet, link to coupon, link to a special site etc.
Reward links are clickable links that take users to have the ability to claim.
You can enter a single link or upload a CSV of unique links.
Build your Reward Link campaign in 9 easy steps
Step 1 - In the campaigns section click 'create campaign' action under your sub account and select Reward Link Campaign.
Step 2 - Name your campaign, select your video platform / source (e.g. Youtube) then paste or upload (learn more about video player here)
Step 3 - select what % of the video you want the user to be able to claim from. For example if your video is 2 minutes and you set 50%, then the user can click the claim button after 1 minute.
Step 4 - Enter your final call to action button label and associated URL
Step 5 - The widget offers 2 text components. Enter the Reward title (30 characters) which is displayed at the top of the player. Then the second title (65 characters) shown on the lower banner.
Step 6 - Enter learn more copy to help your users through the process.
Step 7 - Now write out any terms and conditions and legals associated with your campaign.
Step 8 - Upload a success image to be displayed in the widget upon completion.
Step 9 - Enter your single reward link URL , or download the CSV file to upload a long list of unique URLs.
Now its time to launch your rewarded video campaign
The Result
[insert arcade just showing the widget and how you can click out to get your reward]
Service Email
Here is the email which is automatically sent to your users on your behalf.
Last updated