Gasless Transactions

Improve user experience and onboarding with covering the gas for users

Introduction: The platform offers a unique feature for Web3 campaigns that allows clients to choose between gas-less transactions and regular transactions. This document provides an overview of how gas-less transactions work and how to set them up in your campaign.

Gas-less vs. Regular Transactions: When creating a campaign on our dashboard, you will be asked in the settings whether you would like the campaign to be gas-less or regular.

  • Gas-less Transactions: In this mode, you, as the client, pay for the end user's gas fee. This means that the end user can participate in your campaign without incurring any gas costs.

  • Regular Transactions: In this mode, the end user pays for their own gas fee when participating in your campaign.

How Gas-less Transactions Work: Gas-less transactions are made possible through the use of EIP-712 signature verification. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

  1. Off-chain Signing:

    • The end user signs a minting request off-chain using their wallet.

    • The minting request contains details such as the recipient's address, the amount of the NFT to mint, a unique nonce, and any additional data required for minting.

    • The signed request is then sent to our platform.

  2. On-chain Verification:

    • Our smart contract receives the signed minting request and the user's signature.

    • The contract verifies the authenticity of the signed message using EIP-712 typed data signing standards.

    • It ensures that the signature comes from an authorized user and adheres to the contract's minting requirements.

  3. Gas-less Minting:

    • If the signature is valid and the minting request is authorized, the contract proceeds with the minting process.

    • The NFT is minted and assigned to the specified recipient's address.

    • The gas fees for the minting transaction are paid by you, the client, rather than the end user.

  4. Security and Integrity:

    • The smart contract enforces minting permissions, reentrancy protection, and contract pause state checks.

    • These measures ensure the integrity and control over the minting operation, preventing unauthorized actions.

Setting Up Gasless Transactions: To enable gas-less transactions for your Web3 campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new campaign on our dashboard.

  2. In the campaign settings, select the option for gas-less transactions.

End User Experience: When participating in a gas-less campaign, end users will:

  1. Sign the minting request off-chain using their wallet.

  2. Submit the signed request to our platform.

  3. Receive the minted NFT without incurring any gas fees.

Conclusion: Gas-less transactions provide a convenient and cost-effective way for end users to participate in your Web3 campaigns. By leveraging EIP-712 signature verification, our platform ensures a secure and efficient minting process while allowing you to cover the gas fees on behalf of your users. If you have any further questions or need assistance setting up gas-less transactions for your campaign, please contact our support team.

Last updated