🔲Embeddable Widgets

You can add ViewFi formats across the web and over your owned channels, social media and website. Below are the options. Also you can link to see how you set these up below.

You can generate the following which will work with most website building platforms like Webflow and Wix.

You can access all these from the publishing section. Learn more here

This campaign link is the easiest way to share your campaign. The format is [BrandName].viewfi.io/[campaignID]. It will play the video on the full page. Note you can chose to host this on your own domain. Learn more here


Embed Code

Just like embedding a YouTube video on your site. You can make certain edits to the size and change the code:

<div id='VW-area' style="--aspect-ratio: 16/9;max-width: 960px;min-height:510px;" campaignId="5QVD48S9J2"></div><script src="https://api.viewfi.io/lib/js/loader.min.js"></script>

iFrame Code

This is another option to embed the code withn your container on your site. Example code is below:

<iframe src=https://veloce1.viewfi.io/C/5QVD48S9J2 width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" vspace="0" scrolling=no bordercolor='#000000'></iframe>

QR Code

This will generate a campaign QR code for you to download and add to your campaign.

Get Overlay Widget

This allows you to add a text link anywhere on your site to launch the reward. This widget displays your campaign video as a text link, which then loads in an overlay modal in large player format.

<a id="VMOverlay" campaignId="5QVD48S9J2" href="javascript:void(0);">WATCH AND CLAIM NFT</a><script src="https://api.viewfi.io/lib/js/loader.min.js"></script>

ViewFi Launch

Paste this HTML snippet into any webpage to embed this video. A sticky button will display on your page and will load the player modal in large player format.

<div id='vieworks-area' viewfi-launch='true' container-position='left' style="--aspect-ratio: 16/9;max-width: 854px;" campaignId="5QVD48S9J2"></div><script src="https://api.viewfi.io/lib/js/earn-reward-large.min.js"></script><script src="https://api.viewfi.io/lib/js/loader.min.js"></script>

Screen Shots and Examples

An Overview Of Common Resolutions

In aspect ratio 16:9:

Last updated