🏹Better Ad ROI

Higher conversions and more data lead to more effective media buying.

Plus with ViewFi your ad budget can be put to great use through our hyper targeted ad system.

ViewFi formats perform very well as viewers love a reward and to get something for their attention.

Plus using ViewFi's Ad services, we can reach your users in a hyper targeted way. ViewFi reaches 220M users who interact with blockchains and gain insights in behaviour and deliver video directly to them.


  • 5X lower CPVs

  • 3X Lower CPCs

  • 220M wallets mapped in web3.

Targeting Methods:

  • Keywords From Bio

  • Brands they follow

  • Topics they interact with

  • Crypto they hold

  • Apps they are connected to (web3)

  • Re-targeting after user engaged

Platform Distribution

  • Twitter X

  • LinkedIn

  • Discord

  • Meta

  • Open web (targeted site list)

Format Type

  • Direct Message

  • Sponsored post

  • Ad

Example format

Last updated